A very nostalgic flower has bloomed. Lc.Robon (Lc.Robert Doig x Lc.Bonanza (Bracey)), the blood of Lc.Rubens. Registration was in 1964, the year the first Tokyo Olympics were held, and Ilsley Orchids of California registered this variety. It’s a pretty old Cattleya, but I think it’s still a wonderful Cattleya nowadays. Recent overlapping fine shape flowers have a lot of inherit the blood of C. Horace, but Lc. Robon , I thought again that the shape of the flowers of Lip and Petal is different from that of C. Horace.
Lc.Robon is a the descendants of Lc.Rubens. Lc.Robon ‘s L. means Laelia pumila, and Lc.Bonanza ‘s L. means Laelia purpurata. It is a pity that the current orchid notation is all cattleya (C.) notation.
Mr. Yuki Suzuki, a Meister of orchids in Japan, stated in the description of the Lc.Rubens system in the newsletter of the Japan Orchid Association (ISSN0285-6050) that Lc.Robon’Ace’ bloomed more than 24 cm. increase. The flower in the photo that bloomed this year is over N.S. 16 cm, and I would like to cultivate it aiming for over 20 cm from now on.
米国のアメリカンカトレアの著者Dr. Courtney Hackneyさんが、最近咲いた花の写真を送ってくださいました。日本ではあまり見慣れない素晴らしい花ですので、今回紹介いたします。
C Serengeti Sands ‘Dark Knight’ aka ‘Rosemarie’
Blc.Serengeti Sandsは、2008年にDr. Courtney Hackneyさんが作出登録した品種で、親は、Blc.Teresa’s SmileとC.tigrina(C.leopoldii)です。私は、初めて見る花で、非常にインパクトがあり、花の大きさもC.tigtinaの子供にてはずいぶん大きな印象です。Blc,.Teresa’s Smile(Lc.Amber Glow x Blc. Edisto)に何でC.tigrinaをかけ合わせたのかをDr.Hackneyに質問したところ、次のコメントを頂きました。やはり、交配というのは、非常に奥の深いものだと改めて思いました。
I would like to introduce Dr. Courtney Hackney’s extremely attractive cattleya which is not familiar in Japan.
I have never heard the name Blc.Serengeti Sands and I searched on the RHS Orchid Register. I find out that Blc.Serengeti Sands is Dr.Hackney’s hybrids. Blc. Serengeti Sands has strong impact. I asked Dr.Hackney why you crossed C.tigrina with red yellow cattleya, he kindly gave me following comments.
I really thought once again that hybridizing is a very deep thing.
Dr. Courtney Hackney’s comments;
My cross of Rlc Serengeti Sands was my attempt to recreate an old hybrid, Lc. Summerland Girl. I saw many of this hybrid bloom many years ago. Sadly, the cross produced many seedlings with lips that were too large. In my cross I used Rlc Teresa’s Smile ‘Spade Lip’ to reduce the lip size and make it proportional to the flower. The biggest surprise was flower size, which can be 15cm natural spread. A surprise given that one parent is C leopoldii (syn tigrina). As you can see from the photo Teresa’s Smile is more red than yellow, despite a lot of yellow ancestors.
C.Horace x Lc.Boudoirをお持ちの方は、Lc. Fordyce Heritageとラベルをつけてあげてください。mailbox@cattleyart.comへのコメントをお待ちしております。
I would like to introduce Lc.Lc.Fordyce Heritage ‘Maruga ‘ . This variety C.Horace x Lc.Boudoir is not new as it was awarded on Japan Orchid Society several decades ago. The grower and exhibitor was the late Mr.Arai who is very famous cattleya hybridizer in Japan.
This pictured flower is very large and flat, so I thought this clone could be a good parent. I consulted with several Japanese orchid experts who know well about Mr.Arai’s hybrids to register this plant. As a result, this plant was one of imported seedling from the U.S. Then I consulted American Cattleya experts Dr. Courtney Hackney who is the author of American Cattleyas. Thanks to his efforts, the originator was found out as incredibly famous hybridizer, the late Mr. Frank Fordyce. Mr. Frank Fordyce is very famous as a creator of Slc.Hazel Boud, Slc.Madge Frdyce, Slc.Cicle of Life and other wonderful mini-midi type cattleya, but he also produced a large cattleyas. Lc. Boudoir, the parent of Lc. Fordyce Heritage, is also Mr. Frank Fordyce’s production.
So, Mr.Fordyce has passed away, I got naming permission from his daughter Ms.Sue Fordyce through Dr. Courtney Hackney. Thanks to Mr. Frank Fordyce, a great orchid artist, I have registered this cross with RHS as a Fordyce Heritage. Please leave your commets to mailbox@cattleyart.com