宮本さんは、ハワイのオアフ島のWaianaeで蘭園を経営され、数多くの素晴らしい品質の蘭を作出されました。たいへん温厚な優しい方で、地元の名士の証でもあるロータリークラブの会員でもあられました。米国蘭協会でも宮本さんの功績を讃え、優秀なカトレアに対してMasatoshi Miyamoto Awardが設立されています。私が祖父母と一緒に宮本蘭園を訪ねた時も、優しく蘭園を案内してくれて、いい株があるとリードバルブを挟みでカットして分けてくれたことを覚えています。
Mr.Miyamoto(right side) and my grand farther(left side) at Miyamoto Orchids
Pokai Bay
また、米国では親愛を込めてMiyaと呼ばれていたようです。お亡くなりになられた後に宮本さんを讃えてゆかりのある品種にMiya’s Radience、Miya’s Glow等の名前がつけられています。黄弁赤リップで有名なBlc.Toshie Aokiも宮本さんが作出されたもので、Toshie Aokiは、宮本さんと親交があった東京世田谷の青木蘭園の園主の青木幹之さんの奥様の名前です。
Mr.Miyamoto owned and operated Miyamoto Orchids in Waianae, Hawaii, produced many excellent high quality orchids. He was very gentle and kind person, also a member of Rotary Club. In honor of Mr.Miyamoto’s achievement, the Masatoshi Miyamoto Award has been established for an excellent Cattleya alliance at the American Orchid Society.
Even when I visited Miyamoto Orchids with my grandparents, I remember Mr.Miyamoto gently guided us vast orchid firm.Mr.Miyamoto’s Cattleyas have colors that have not existed before, such as bright yellow, art shade, and deep red.
Although I am very sorry, Mr.Miyamoto passed away in 1991 at the age of 77, but Cattleyas, created by Mr.Miyamoto, are also active as a parent or grand parent of recent hybrids.
Mr.Miyamoto was called Miya with dear love, some hybrids related to Mr.Miyamoto are named such as Miya’s Glow, Miya’s Radience.
Very popular Blc.Toshie Aoki was also created by Mr.Miyamoto. Toshie Aoki was the name of Japanese orchid garden owner’s wife.
In your favorite cattleya may also contain the blood of the breed that Mr.Miyamoto created.
If you have memories of Mr.Miyamoto, I would be pleased if you could email us.