真夏のカトレアは、なんと言ってもC.dowianaを起源とするセミイエローではないでしょうか。今回紹介するカトレアは、Pot. Ellen Nacinovichです。2016年にMr.A.Nacinovichさんが登録されました。Originatorは、皆に惜しまれつつクローズされたFender’s Floraさんです。Fenfer’s Flora は、フロリダですごい人気の蘭屋さんで、奥さまの名前をとったPot.Susan Fenderは日本でも有名かと思います。
この写真の個体は、昔C&H社から輸入した実生苗の一つです。Fenderさんの了解が得られれば、感謝の気持ちを込めて個体名を‘Fender’s Flora’としたいと思いDr.Hackneyさんを通じてFender さんに連絡がつき8月1日に Fenderさんから了解をいただきました。いただいたメールの中に、非常に良いフレーズがありましたので、紹介させていただきます。
” All of our orchids have stories.”
I think Queen of Midsummer Cattleya is a semi yellows that originates from C. dowiana.
I would like to introduce Pot. Ellen Nacinovich which was registered 2016 by Mr. A.Nacinovich. The originator is Fender’s Flora which had been adored by Florida orchids friends.
This clone is one of our selection of imported seedlings from Carter & Holmes Orchids.
I am planning to name this clone as ‘Fender’s Flora’ to express our gratitude, if I could get permission from Mr.and Mrs.Fender. As the Fender’s Flora was closed several years ago, I could not contact Mr.and Mrs.Fender. It is highly appreciated if you tell us their contact Email address.(addendum:Thanks to our respecting Dr. Courtney Hackney, I got permission from Mr.and Mrs.Fender to name this clone ‘Fender’s Flora’)
I would like to introduce following e-mail from Mr.and Mrs.Fender.
“We would be honored to have you name this clone. This is the very best clone we have seen.
Ellen Nacinovich and her husband are very close friends of ours. They purchased a seedling from us and later asked if he could name it for Ellen. Of course, we agreed.
All of our orchids have stories.”
I am very impressed by the quotation ” All of our orchids have stories.”
I think there are many Pot. Ellen Nacinovich allover the world, I am going to introduce your Pot. Ellen Nacinovich if you send us picture.
Thank you for your cooperation.